May 14-19, 2006 were red-letter days for a struggling administrator like me. I got the chance to travel with SDS Isabelita M. Borres to the country where martial arts, jade, traditional healing and exotic women come close with nature. The sights and sounds of China… It was purely an exhilarating experience.
But the highlight of our study was on observing and benchmarking the Teacher Development Program of China. Being one of Asia's soaring economy, the country is known for its principle - centered educational philosophies which are truly worth-emulating . The main objective of the tour was to identify factors of teachers superior performance, best practices and training.
Our group paid a visit to the Philippine Embassy Office and got the chance to meet Ambassador Sonia Cataumber - Braudy. She was a very warm person who gave her vivid observation of the following concerns: The apparent retrogression of the competencies of the elementary /secondary teachers: the poor training/teacher development program: the need to upgrade teachers/teaching skills; to establish inter-country linkages through the DFA; the procedures that the Group will adapt after this observation tour and the possibility of future educational/culture exchange program.
We also visited the Ministry of Education which was facilitated by Mr. Zhu Li, Program Officer. From him, I gained the following insights: the composition of the 14 M tracking form of China of whom 5.9 M are in the elementary schools; 3.7 M for secondary; 1.3 M for teaching education and the rest for vocational - technical schools and graduate studies; Policies related to Hiring of Teachers focused on academic preparation with the necessary certification and the passing of the examination and the Training System involving the a) pre-position TEACHERS; AND THE B) IN-POSITION TEACHERS.
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